Hurricane Insurance Addendum for Yacht Charters
Carol Kent Yacht Charters International (CKYCI) is required by industry recommendations to execute a hurricane addendum on charter contracts for yacht charters taking place in New England and the Caribbean during charter season.
CKYCI offers a Hurricane Addendum to the charter contract for our New England and Caribbean yacht charters so that our clients don’t lose their money when Mother Nature offers up unexpected plans and boats have to cancel trips. Travelers opt for the Hurricane Addendum when they first book so they are able to “reschedule” within the year on a mutually agreed-upon date. With this supplement signed by both charterer and owner, the protection kicks in only when it is a “named storm”.

Hurricane season is technically from June 1-November 30. The busiest part of hurricane season varies from region to region. The season is usually busiest in the Eastern Caribbean (Puerto Rico to Grenada) and along the U.S. East Coast from August to September/October. In the Western Caribbean (the Bahamas, Aruba, Trinidad and Tobago, Cuba, and the Florida Keys), hurricanes pick up from mid-September into early November.