When investing your vacation dollars – we recommend travel insurance.
Coverages “cover the span” of needs. Pre-existing conditions (health status) for many travel insurance companies, will require selecting your preferred coverage within a 14-day window. If you do not have a pre-existing health condition, just make sure you insure.
Should you care to explore the many coverage options – send us an email.
Many articles have been written in Sunday Travel sections throughout the world trumpeting the same message as in this article: “When in Doubt, Insure“, written by David A. Kelly for the Practical Traveler in the New York Sunday Times.
You are investing a good amount money to create a memorable holiday. Why not protect it for a small percentage of the cost with travel insurance?
Here are the top 10 reasons why we suggest purchasing a travel insurance plan:
1. Trip cancellation: due to certain covered bad weather, illness in your family, job loss…
2. Coverage for pre-existing medical conditions: pre-existing medical condition exclusion is waived if coverage is purchased within 14 days of your first charter deposit.
3. Unexpected emergency: illness or death in family
4. Lost luggage or delay: forced to purchase essentials…
5. Illness or injury: certain events that personal health care insurance may not cover, especially abroad…
6. Emergency medical evacuation: due to covered accident or illness…
7. Flight delays and airline strikes: covers missing the boat
8. Weather delays: if your trip is delayed due to hurricanes, storms, volcano ash clouds…
9. Lost your passport: assistance when stranded abroad…
10. Damage to rental car
Be sensible.
Thanks to today’s weather-tracking technology, odds are slim that you’ll be caught in a hurricane. That said, we recommend that you avoid making a hurricane-prone destination a critical piece of your adventure, e.g. a destination wedding in August in Key West, Florida.
Hurricane season is technically June 1-November 30. The busiest part of hurricane season varies from region to region. In the Eastern Caribbean and along the U.S. East Coast, the season is usually busiest from mid-August to mid-September. In the Western Caribbean, hurricanes pick up from mid-September into early-November.
Be reassured.
Your Captain and crew are always concerned about your safety first and the yacht investment second. We are always in communication with you and your crew to determine the best outcome for a successful yacht charter vacation.
Great yacht charter deals are often worth the risk especially when you protect your trip with travel insurance. You may purchase travel insurance up until the day before you travel.
Here’s an example of a notice that insurance company Travel Guard issued:
• Please note that Tropical Storm Dorian became a named hurricane on Wednesday, August 28, 2019. For coverage to apply, the policy must have been purchased on or before Tuesday, August 27, 2019. Please encourage your clients to read their Insurance Policy to verify if coverage would apply for Natural Disaster or Hurricanes.”
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