Quoting author Nellie Bly’s “Around the World in 72 Days” on packing…
“It will be seen” Bly wrote, “that if one is traveling simply for the sake of traveling and not for the purpose of impressing one’s fellow passengers, the problem of baggage becomes a very simple one.”
Packing like a sailor is simple. Whether you charter a Motor or Sailing yacht, use the tips on this page to keep your travels light. Fashionable yachting wear is easy to find. Keep it light weight, attractive and versatile. Consider interchangeable clothing that can be mixed and matched a variety of ways.
For baggage change rules, visit Airline Watch Dog Blog
Our advice to all our clients: Pack light and Carry ON!
Tropical and warm weather charters are, of course, easy. The biggest mistake we see is that people over-pack. You will be in your bathing suit and cover-ups almost the entire time. Trust us!
Here is a quick packing list:
2 bathing suits and cover-up/wraps
2 comfortable pairs of shoes – sneakers (with socks) for walking and hiking, sandals & water shoes (optional)
3-5 outfits (inter-changeable clothing advised) it is really enough clothing for one week.
Sleeping attire (light and airy) Planning to dine ashore? Some dining establishments prefer a mild dress-up. See our wardrobe tips for women and men below.
Planning to dine ashore? Some dining establishments prefer a mild dress-up. See our wardrobe tips for women and men below.
Other helpful info:
Onshore laundry is available at certain marinas.
Duffle bags are recommended for easy storage; rigid suitcases may not fit the unusually shaped compartments. Choose one with wheels!
MEDICINES – If you are checking in bags, move medicines, a change of clothes, swim suit and basic toiletries to your handheld baggage, just in case your luggage is delayed or misplaced.
WOMEN – Bring one evening dress, multiple scarves used for shawls and lots of fun jewelry.
MEN – Wear your blazer on the plane, throw in a tie, and a good pair of pants.
NEW ENGLAND, MEDITERRANEAN & PACIFIC NW are great vacation destinations, however, packing for cool or damp evenings is recommended. Pack the same as for warmer climes, but add a warm cover-up & socks!
Trust me. I traveled 4 weeks covering 4 countries (Italy, Greece, Turkey & Croatia) one May with a quality backpack and roll handle small overnight style bag.
For a glossary of terms and other planning tips for chartering a yacht, visit our Charter Guide page.