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Top 10 Reasons to Insure Your Yacht Vacation

You are investing a good amount of money to create a memorable holiday. Why not protect it for an extra small % dollar cost of this outlay?

Coverages “cover the span” of needs. Pre-existing conditions (health status) for many travel insurance companies, will require selecting your preferred coverage within a 14-day window. If you do not have a pre-existing health condition, just make sure you insure.

Should you care to explore the many coverage options – send us an email.

Many articles have been written in Sunday Travel sections throughout the world…the message every time isWhen in Doubt, Insure“, written by David A. Kelly for the Practical Traveler in the New York Sunday Times.

Here are the top 10 reasons why we suggest purchasing travel insurance.

1. Cancellation: due to bad weather, illness in your family, job loss…
2. Unexpected Emergency: illness or death in family…
3. Lost luggage or delay: forced to purchase essentials…
4. Equipment damaged or stolen: dive gear, kite-surfing gear…
5. Illness or injury: events that personal health care insurance may not cover, especially abroad…
6. Emergency medical evacuation: due to accident or illness…
7. Flight delays and airline strikes: cover missing the boat…
8. Weather delays: hurricane, storms, volcano ash clouds…
9. Lost your Passport: stranded abroad…
10. Damage to property:  rental car damage…

Coverage may vary from state to state residency and personal preference. Also, many credit cards cover SOME travel interruptions but not all. It’s best to know before you go that your vacation investment is protected.

You never know what path a storm will take; like Boy and Girl Scouts, be prepared.

Read more about planning your travel and insuring against interruptions in our blog post Chartering a Yacht During Hurricane Season.

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